(Bicultural) couples therapy
focused on LGBTQI+ issues
From our very nature we as humans are looking for connection and intimacy. We want to love another and we also want to get that love back. Sometimes you can lose this connection and intimacy because you find out that your partner(s) or yourself is attracted to the opposite sex (or both).
This will complicate the relationship if there is no room for who you are or who your partner(s) are. Before you know, you grow apart, the communication is gone and in the worst case you start to lose each other slowly. When that happens, you will understand each other even less than before, there is tension and you feel disconnected.
Are you 'in the closet' while in a relationship?
Do you have bi-feelings and are you in a relationship and you don't know how to handle this? Do you have the idea that you cannot be yourself in the relationship and above all live according to other people's expectations? Are you now 'in the closet' while in a relationship?
Er bestaan verschillende soorten vormen van relaties. Van monogame tot polygame relaties en alle vormen daartussenin. Het is belangrijk dat er ruimte en wederzijds begrip wordt gecreëerd om te spreken van een gelukkige relatie. Wil jij weten hoe je dit doet? Radiant & Gan kan je hier bij helpen!
Bij Radiant & Gan staat de cliënt centraal, alles gaat altijd in overleg met de cliënt. Bij Radiant & Gan gaan wij uiterst zorgvuldig om met jouw privacy en indien gewenst kun je de therapie ook geanonimiseerd volgen. Lees hier verder over de werkwijze van Radiant & Gan.
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