Coming in and coming out
It is good for bi-cultural LGBTQI+ people to realize that they are super diverse . This target group leads a more beautiful, but certainly a more complicated life than many other people, with both positive and negative consequences. Bi-cultural LGBTQI+ people often have a lot of trouble accepting themselves, the acceptance of their environment is often an even bigger problem…
Being super diverse is the new normal.
'Coming-out' also called 'coming out of the closet' will be familiar to most of us. As an LGBTQI+ person you tell the outside world about your sexual orientation or gender identity. But before you tell this to others, you must first recognize and acknowledge this in yourself. We call the latter 'coming in'.
Coming in is recognizing and acknowledging.
'Coming in' is the starting point for many LGBTQI+ people and is therefore seen much more important as 'coming out'. After all, not everyone wants or can come out of the closet. Coming in is about shaping your own identity, accepting yourself as you are and finding safety and trust. Coming in is accepting and internalizing your own sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, which may differ from the majority of society.
Coming out is actually telling.
Bi-cultural LGBTQI+ people can have a lot of trouble with a 'coming in'. Their culture and/or religion often rejects anything that deviates from 'the norm'. Many bi-cultural LGBTQI+ people have a religious background. Cultural customs and attitudes greatly complicate the 'coming in (and out)'. Not only for those themselves, but also within their family circle, networks and the rest of the outside world.
Acceptance from religious leaders for the combination of religion and homosexuality is healing for people who struggle with this
Unfortunately, people's cultural and religious views mean that minorities, and in this case bi-cultural LGBTQI+ people, are discriminated against. The choice of partner are not or hardly spoken of and having an (open) relationship with someone of the same sex is unthinkable. This makes it extra complicated for bi-cultural LGBTQI+ people to accept themselves. Coming out to their family and loved ones hardly seems an option…
Coming out is an important step for the Western LGBTQI+ movement. Within the transcultural systems approach, a 'coming out' can be seen as an important marker in your life (also called life phase transition - Rhmaty, 2019). A life phase transition is followed by a separate transition in the life of the person experiencing it.
Wil jij hulp bij jouw coming in of jouw coming-out? Dan kan Radiant & Gan jouw helpen!
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