Individual counseling/therapy
Unfortunately, life doesn't always go the way we planned or expected. You might have to deal with problems and challenges in all kinds of areas, which can make you uncomfortable and misunderstood. When you choose: it can't go on like this, then counseling and/or therapy is a perfect low-threshold solution. Have a stable life again, learn how to deal with challenges and, above all, regain your strength.
Experience confidence in your life again.
With individual counseling and/or therapy, we work one-on-one on your development. Together we try to gain insight into the problems you encounter. We help you deal with this by processing experiences, learning new skills and behavioral alternatives and by doing exercises. You also learn to about your strengths so that you can stimulate them yourself. This gives you more control over your life so that you are able to enjoy life again!
Counseling and/or therapy can be seen as an accessible form of assistance. Therapy consists of conversations in which support and guidance are central. For example, when something bad happens in your life or when you suffer from pent-up issues that come up again and now cause emotional problems.
Bij Radiant & Gan staat de cliënt centraal, alles gaat altijd in overleg met de cliënt. Bij Radiant & Gan gaan wij uiterst zorgvuldig om met jouw privacy en indien gewenst kun je de therapie ook geanonimiseerd volgen. Lees hier verder over de werkwijze van Radiant & Gan.
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